Fernando Barrios Benavides

Fernando Barrios Benavides


His compulsive drawing and his interest in the imaginary, in what arises by chance, in emotions that are difficult to trace or in experimenting with different materials and techniques, led him to feel the need to develop his own language with forms and symbols that appear recurrently in his work. Each drawing is usually based on a previous one and, sometimes, on a mixture of several, and it is the mistakes —never understood as such— that bring something new to his work. It is Fernando’s mission to search for errors, this is what his creative process consists of


Saint Blaise

From: 28 Sep 23 To: 05 Oct 23
De 11:00h a 19:00h

Through photography, drawing, collage, sculpture, painting… the artists show us their perception and interpretation of the peripheries. Fernando Barrios Benavides is characterized by an abstraction with a narrative through sculptures and a sometimes collage painting that combines different materials, techniques and materials, Raul Bravo makes drawings and quick notes in his urban drifts, collages as an artist’s book and Yuri Pol, through photography, brings us social moments, human landscapes and empty territories, but also poetic images of greater abstraction.

Invernadero The Sibarist

San Lorenzo, 11

Fernando Barrios Benavides (Madrid 1990), estudió Artes Plásticas y Diseño en la modalidad de diseño industrial por la escuela de Arte 12. Dedicado principalmente al dibujo, la pintura y la escultura, (además del diseño y fabricación de objetos), en los últimos años ha expuesto en espacios de la capital como Kikekeller, APPA Art Gallery, Mad is Mad y, de forma habitual, en Zapadores Ciudad del Arte.​

Su dibujo compulsivo y su interés por lo imaginado, lo surgido por azar, por emociones difícilmente rastreables o por la experimentación con diversos materiales y técnicas le lleva a sentir la necesidad de desarrollar un lenguaje propio con formas y símbolos que aparecen de forma recurrente en su obra. Cada dibujo suele partir de uno anterior y, a veces, de una mezcla de varios, y son los errores —nunca entendidos como tales— los que aportan algo nuevo en su obra. Es la misión de Fernando la búsqueda de errores, en esto consiste su proceso creativo.


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